
What a beautiful drive out to Orange! Gorgeous grounds, and perfect weather made this a great shoot in 2021. We mostly made up the script as we went and this was filmed and edited within a tight 3 day turn around.

Working with author Tim Harris is a privelege and a joy, as he is so full of creative ideas, energy, while also embedding flexibility within his plans.

This shoot was intended to offer prospective parents a glimpse into their new school. This was shot with no script, so the clients relied on their expertise and knowledge on the day, to create a beautiful story about their school. The student hosts were incredibly confident and well spoken, for being so young.

One of our first video projects for a school. This was filmed just as Covid restrictions were being introduced in 2020, so the client needed a simple way to give potential students am overview of the school, without needing to visit the school physically.

Made during school lockdowns in 2021, and we couldn't get on-site, and had to use existing photos and videos to make this one. The purpose was to highlight the variety of facilities the school has to offer prospective students.

Made during school lockdowns in 2021, so we couldn't get on-site, and had to use existing photos to make this one. The difficulty in using only photos, but without looking like a boring slideshow, meant that we combined the concepts of a polaroid album and a phone's gallery, to keep the visual interest high. A student contributed the narration remotely by recording their voice on a phone.

Made during school lockdowns in 2021, so we couldn't get on-site, and had to use existing photos to make this one. There were so many good photos provided by the school's photographer that it didn't matter too much in the end. The difficulty in using only photos, but without looking like a boring slideshow, meant that we used the concept of a photo album, to keep the visual interest high. The school provides many drama experiences for their students, and so provided a wide variety of images from different performances.

Educational Experiences

Making Marking less of a chore
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